The Big Issue - Lesson 5

 Romesh Cover:

  • Comedian, POC, past experience with poverty.
  • The Big Issue want a positive image and well represented minorities.
  • They advocate for getting people off the streets - as Romesh does
Marcus Rashford:
  • Very welcoming and positive image
  • Very christmasssy - supposed to be happy for the holidays
  • He's done a lot to support those who can't support themselves - eg: food
  • Hero-like pose
Eddie Izzard:
  • She's previously done a lot of charity work - what the big issue stands for
  • It's a positive representation of an androgynous figure - supporting the 'other' in society
  • 'She's electric' - well known song, goes with the colour scheme etc.
David Tennant:
  • Done a lot of charity work especially on TV
  • Nationally loved
  • It's like the text is his thoughts spilling out - pushing for a need for kindness

Rebuild Democracy Cover:

1. Yes, this cover follows their house style - it being completely unique like the other covers. It has an original image of Big Ben collapsing with a bold headline. They don't usually get political in terms of who they support but there is a definite push for democrats. 

2. The central image shows a toppling of the government and structure we have today. Big Ben being one of the most iconic British landmarks, it is by no means patriotic. It tackles the current issues in parliament by destroying a beloved attraction.

3. 'Rebuild Democracy' suggests a need for a restructure and new insight. Because it is the destroying factor of Big Ben, it suggests that when democracy does come into play, it will take down whatever is left of the republic view. This fits with the Big Issue because it supports giving a voice to those who don't have one - something that should come with democracy.

4. They've chosen to make politics a big issue because it is. The current leading party has a lot of corruption, social issues like racism. It discards the homeless which is why the Big Issue was set up. To do the job the government should've been doing all along.

5. They've used the cover lines to support the push for change. It sounds like recruiting for a resistance to anything but democracy. With their audience supporting their beliefs, it targets those who would "Join" them for change.

6. Director Ken Loach would feature on the cover perhaps to show he stands with them in their push for change. It could also be showing the work that goes into producing these magazines. Also a uniqueness because other magazines may not do it.

Explain why magazines outside the commercial mainstream construct alternative representations. Refer to The Big Issue in your answer (10 marks):
  • in order to represent those who aren't in mainstream (allowing a new audience to be targeted). Eg: Eddie Izzard
  • to get a response - it could get brand awareness even if the it's not accepted by a lot. - challenging stereotypes
  • they embrace the difference because they know their opinion will not resonate with everyone - Eg: Rebuild democracy
  • The Big Issue can take more risks as they need not please everyone unlike bigger brands


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