Music Videos - Lesson 3 (Emeli Sande)

How the different modes (images, sound, speech and writing) and language associated with different media forms communicate multiple meanings.

  • impact of writing, lyrics
  • BTW - amused or horrified by animation
  • layers - london being bleak, Sande wants to help, musicians are saviours, life is hard
8. Low shot, blue sky, cathedral
  • is religion a saviour? relief? - more focus on the streets, sky and her than actual church
  • could be critiquing it
9. Close up of girl in car
  • seems positive with the music (upbeat)
  • but it's very dark and it's the back of her - is she leaving?
  • the emotional focus of a close up lets us see her expressions - but she seems curious or focused on something
10. Jewellery
  • maybe projecting your religion and faith can be seen in how you present yourself down to how you hold yourself - with a certain presentation, anyone can achieve a certain 'look'
11. Street
  • is it jesus? - no, but it could be saying he is as likely to be among as anyone else. Anyone has the capacity to save you - anyone being seen by all of these close ups of everyday people 
12. Close ups of statues
  • there is hope
  • also connotes the idea of it being a much bigger picture than our little time on earth - has been and will continue
13. Performance shot
'oh heaven, i wait with good intentions, but...'
  • she could suggest that our heaven, our salvation is already in us - we have the power 
  • the 'but' shows she is talking to whatever higher power, saying she believes but it's hard - complimented by the rain and bus (not very heavenly)
Bus Stop: This shot has been edited with cross cuts. The before being a little boy on stairs and the latter being a young man smoking. This creates an idea of multiple lives happening at once. Multiple experiences and struggles. There isn't anything to suggest who these people are but that they are here.
The visuals are steady, leaning on the darker side as she says 'oh heaven', like she's talking to some higher power. And as she says it's essentially hard to go on, the camera work is hand held and slightly canted - reflecting her stress and struggle. Paired with being at a bus stop with the pathetic fallacy of rain. The pace is also quick to not only keep to the tempo of the song but to create a kind of tension when in a struggle.


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