The Big Issue - Exam Q

Explain why magazines outside of the commercial mainstream construct alternative representations. Refer to The Big Issue in your answer. (10 marks)

Magazines outside of the commercial mainstream construct alternative representations in order to embrace their uniqueness and perhaps a USP. For example, The Big Issue know their beliefs will not resonate with everyone so they push for recognition through their media language and representations. 

Alternative representations can be used in order to make an impact on the reader. In this cover of The Big Issue (TBI), Big Ben is seen being destroyed. The 'destroyer' at hand is the headline of 'rebuild democracy'. This suggests that by reigniting democracy, the current government will have to fall. It's a negative impression of the UK parliament as Big Ben is one of Britain's most iconic landmarks. TBI have chosen to do this as they aim to not only help people recover from homelessness, but also to hold people accountable (whoever that may concern). In this case, it's the government. This could be because they haven't done enough to support the homeless which is why TBI is set up - in reality it shouldn't have to come to that. The unique representation and perspective of this magazine allows it to stand out from commercial mainstream 'norms' and actually deliver the message it wants to.

Additionally, the representations could be used to attract more of the target audience. The cover lines used have a recruiting connotation. The use of 'Join Us' suggests they are gathering numbers to work for 'Tomorrow'. It also implies those who do join will be the ones to make the change and ultimately, topple Big Ben. TBI have done this in order to target their niche ABC1 audience as they will likely be the ones who would 'join' them. The chaotic composition of a bold headline, breaking tower and recruitment pushes an idea of this audience and the organisation of TBI to be very strong and powerful in creating change. This has been done to not only differentiate and be bold enough to say the change is coming, but also potentially scare or disturb those who would oppose it. With such challenged stereotypes, any publicity about their covers is circulation at the end of the day. These representations could be in place in order to stir the pot because TBI doesn't think these social issues should be present at all. 

Finally, the representations could be for people who aren't generally seen. With a more niche audience, they have the ability to take the risks. Caroline Lucas' name is seen at the top of Big Ben. The indication of her leading the rebuilding of democracy anchors to the stories inside. It's a positive representation in that TBI don't usually support a lot of politicians, but also she's a woman in a very narrow minded field. TBI have done this to properly represent someone who isn't generally in mainstream magazines -  they're oversexualised, body shamed etc. By doing this, they're allowed a certain audience to be targeted and shown in the cover, creating a connection. 

Overall, magazines outside of the commercial mainstream will use alternative representations to their advantage as they have the ability to take more risk and experiment with the response they get from readers.


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