Music Videos - Lesson 1 (Hozier and Oasis)

Star Image - the artists as a whole, their entire package of not only music but them, their socials etc.


Hozier - Take me to church

  • very serious and dramatic - soulflul
  • 'tell you my sins and you can sharpen your knife' - criticises Christianity
  • homophobia of the church
  • Brand image - very serious about his work, pro lgbtq+, willing to speak out, true to roots.
Media Langauge:
Camera  work - hand held (unsteady, raw, very present), close ups for emotion, tracking for intensity.
Editing - quick cuts in time with the music (increases intensity), black and white (representing old ways, raw content etc)
Mise en scene - very normal area, home, people etc. Fire, hoods, masks - all create a cult-like feel. A lot of focus on the ground and burying feelings - almost like a grave.

Todorov - equilibrium
Strauss - binary opposites

Oasis - Stand by me:
  • narrative engages the viewer with having a lot of unknown and kind of weirdness
  • different narratives are constructed with differing settings, people, ways of being taken
  • creates a brand image for them with their more iconic saturated/vintage colours, performance shots etc.
1. Describe the star image or brand constructed
It's a very serious and stripped back video which pushes a more raw feel to the content Hozier produces. He works on more soulful, gritty songs which is reflected with the use of hand held camera work, black and white and the subject of homophobia. It pushes his values and perspectives with LGBTQ+ rights and could create a collective for his audience.

2. How does the video engage and entertain the audience?
The opening shot of the fire instantly puts the audience on edge as it has connotations to destruction and unsafety. The video proceeds to kind of leave things out of shots which leaves the audience questioning what is and will happen. Like the chained box that is buried, the audience doesn't know why it is so important but there is a definite focus on it throughout the video. Homophobia is highlighted, and considering Hozier's respected audience, it will engage them as they will have opposing views to what's happening and ultimately be moved in some way.

3. Does it explore big ideas and comment of society?
Yes, it comments on homophobia especially that projected by the church. It creates a dramatic image of them being like a cult and can reference what happens all over the world and primarily in Ireland (as he's Irish).

4. Who is it's core audience? and how does it target them?
The core audience is a younger more socially conscious listener. Perhaps someone who identifies in the lgbtq+ community or an ally to them. It targets them by having the narrative of two men being targeted for being gay. It can churn up emotions and ultimately get them to act on what needs to be solved in society.

5. What elements of this video would encourage the audience to share or like it?
It touches on a very real but taboo subject in greater society. It's quite ambitious in potentially pissing of an entire faith - it could get a reaction which means shares or at least publicity - and ultimately that will just spread the word more.


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