Minecraft Q’s

Who was the original target audience?
- primarily 5-15 year olds

How does Minecraft spread?
- they sell merchandise bearing its logos like hoodies, wallets, necklaces. 
- thousands of YouTube videos are posted for the audience to watch, like and share. It creates a social topic of talk and activity among friends which further spreads the game by word of mouth.

Why is Jenkins a useful theorist to know for analysing Minecraft?
- Jenkins is a useful theorist because his theory applies to Minecraft’s success and way of spreading. His theory states audiences are active and creative participants rather than passive consumers. This applies to Minecraft because it spread mostly by word of mouth, passing on to friends, posting reviews, posting YouTube videos which is unpaid promotion.

Basic Info:
  • Minecraft is the 2nd most successful game (possibly the top)
  • Marcus Persson created it and sold it to Microsoft for $2.5 billion
  • Released in 2011 - 176 million copies 
  • It offers a social experience and community - adaptable and customisable
  • Consumers = Prosumers, developing the game as they go


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