Language Summary (Driving Test)

Media Language:
- how media communicates through different forms. eg: music and pace of film creates tension.

Consider which; modes (words, moving image etc), tools (camera angles, fonts/size) and meanings/effect (connotations with the message/what the message is). 

Camera angles like: POV, aerial, close up, over the shoulder, wide master long or mid shot etc.
- the way these are framed show characters, relationships and what is and isn't important. 

High Angle: from above, looking down - vulnerability, insignificance, smaller.
Low: from below looking up at something/someone - threatening or dominant.
Birds eye view: odd position to create a strange view.
Canted: slanted angle and odd level - suggested confusion, disorientation, drunkenness.
Eye level: neutral to show the audience is watching it/could be involved.

Mise en scene - what is in the frame/everything you can see.
In order to understand the communication, consider:
- positioning and body language
- lighting
- hair/makeup/costume
- setting and props
eg: strangers things still (S1, dustin, mike and lucas in basement, D&D) - argument, 80s, cluttered area showing carefree and childlike/more of a den. Side view of two arguing, stood across a table showing a separation, where as mike is in the middle, dead on showing more of a settling attitude, perhaps more dominant. Lighting is warm showing more comfort which contrasts with the events occurring.

Key aspects of Hall's Reception Theory:
Dominant Hegemonic position - target audience (agrees with and accepts message)
Negotiated position - doesn't quite agree but negotiates parts of the message to fit with their ideology
Oppostional reader - rejects message completely - more likely not to be the target audience


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