The Big Issue - Lesson 2

 How it differs from the news and magazines and why:

Task One:

  • Purpose - offering employment and support for those in poverty
  • 30 years (1991)
  • Vendors buy for £1.50, sell for £3
  • 200 million + sold, 92,000 people sold copies, earned £115 million, 3700 new vendors everyday
  • 83,073 copies per week
  • Invest: finances growth of sustainable social enterprises and charities
  • Foundation: connects vendors and vital support needed
  • Shop: offer trading platform for consumers
  • Learn to manage finances, build confidence and social skills/relations
Messages and Influences:
  • Under representation of women and POC - but positive when they're shown
  • Challenges stereotypes
  • Dismantle poverty with opportunities
  1. 1991
  3. Hand up not a hand out
  4. ABC1
  5. Niche - smaller more focused audience/market. Mass - broader more inclusive market
  6. Mass
  7. Nonconventional, non bias, culturally aware, charity
  8. Some oppose it, it is not sold widely in shops (mostly by vendors)


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