Radio - Q (Unassisted)

How has changing patterns of audience consumption affected radio? Refer to BBC Radio 1 Breakfast Show to support your answer [15 Marks]

Radio stations adapt to fit their targeted audience, inevitably a change in their audience, means a change is needed for them. The 11 BBC stations are divided into specific music genres and tastes in order to reach a wider listenership instead of only pursuing a few styles. Unlike private radio stations, BBC, as a PSB, is funded by license fees so no matter number of listeners, it has finance to invest. However, they must stay relevant and still change with their audiences adapting consumption.

The audience of Radio One ranges from 15-29 years old. This being a mixture of millennial and generation z, the methods and patterns of consumption this audiences adopts has become increasingly modern. They now opt for streaming apps such as Spotify and Apple Music. This allows them to create their own mix of songs they enjoy rather than waiting for one on the radio. To combat this, Radio One has had to focus on vertical integration, creating the BBC Sounds app, allowing their audience to have a sense of 'on demand' while still listening to the station.

Around 29% of the audience as a demographic group listen to live music, causing problems for Radio One. As the audience is switching online and finding different methods to stream, Radio One have changed in order to stay relevant. They interview relevant artists live like Lizzo, Sam Fender etc. Greg James even introduced a 'ten minute takeover' in order to compete with the streaming apps, allowing the audience to choose their own music for the next 10 minutes. However, this is still problematic being that this feature is at 9 am. A time commonly unheard of to the young audience.

As less and less of the audience are listening, more features like The Live Lounge have been adapted to offer a more real experience. This has artists often promoting their own music but also covering other's songs. This adaptation in the radio has been caused by the changing preferences of the audience and how they consume their music. Radio One can only do so much to compete with the user generated content.

To conclude, Radio One have been affected greatly by the changing patterns of audience consumption as they need to stay relevant and tailored to that audience. Although it can't offer all that streaming apps can, with the introduction of the BBC Sounds app and features like the Live Lounge, Radio One have been able to successfully change with their audiences adapting consumption.


  1. A good essay, Olivia. You could perhaps have mentioned that Radio 1 bucks the trend of delivering news bulletins on the hour at 9am for the 10 minute takeover, thus prioritising the listeners' aural requirements over the PSB requirements, which helps to compete against their competitors. Also, I think you need to place greater emphasis on the importance of social media, offering a visual element to a previously audio only medium.

    A good, well structured essay on the whole. Good stuff.



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