Paper 1 - The Big Issue Q1

Explain how meanings are established through intertexuality. Refer to Source A in your answer.
In your answer you must include:
- analyse how media representations are constructed in Source A through intertexuality. [10 marks]

Magazines use intertexuality to help their initial message. The could reference a film, wanting to stimulate nostalgia. Or reference an artist, wanting the audience to associate themselves with them. They use this method to target and maintain their audiences, enabling a relationship between media sources to be created, making it more iconic and relevant.
The Big Issue have their socially conscious values portrayed in every cover. This is often done through intertexuality with musicians, politicians etc. In Source A, The Big Issue has used intertexuality to design their front cover to fit with the government's iconic poster and slogan of 'stay alert, control the virus, save lives'. However, The Big Issue have changed the text to fit another issue affecting the UK. It targets the problem of homelessness, the problem it as a business was set up to tackle. It reads: '500,000 at homeless risk, what needs to be done'. This cleverly switches the problem of Covid-19 to another, equally as relevant problem but one that isn't circulated as much. The representation of the magazines values are conveyed as it shows their everlasting push to change the situation of homelessness and the challenge those in charge who aren't doing enough. The fact the magazine have used the recognisable image of alert patterns and colours, creates an initial link to the government. One that could then be associated with that government not doing enough. Again, this underlying negative representation of those in charge falls inline with The Big Issue's values.
Additionally, the ABC1 target audience will find vast connections to the front cover. As they are older and typically more educated, they will recognise the original version and will more likely pick this copy up. Doctors are among the ABC1 audience, so they could find a representation of themselves through their job being so related to the original cause. However, of course the problem at hand is not focusing on coronavirus. The intertexuality of the government's poster can catch the eye of those who'd respond to it but ultimately bring the topic back to homelessness as a push to make it just as relevant and known. It seems to say 'now that we've got your attention, what about this problem?'. This again, pushes The Big Issues values as they are there to provide solutions and support.


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