Review of newspaper comparison exam Q

Source A:                                                                                       Source B:
Source A and B are front covers of two different genres of newspaper covering the same story. How far has genre influenced the media language used in sources A and B:


Areas I need to improve:
- talk about audience (ABC1)

Genre also influenced the main image used. For example, Source A used a longshot, ariel view of the truck, almost appearing as CCTV or something found in a crime show. This intensified the receiving of the event as a 'crime'. This could create more of an alarming connotation for the audience, something traditionally not found in broadsheets. The way the case is treated as a tv show highlights the audience that the audience is written for and catered for as there is an expectation that the readers are familiar with this kind of theme/genre. Alternatively, the broadsheet/source B uses a much bigger main image, taken in a more professional manner. The general quality and angle seems more respectable and fitting to the telegraph. This is because the telegraph is aimed at ABC1 audiences who are generally deemed as more respected and professional which is very fitting with broadsheet conventions. It also, as always reaches the fold which could show how important a case this is; something it wouldn't do with any other kind of newspaper.


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