The Killing Characters - Representations

Sarah Lund:

  • Masculine traits along with female - like Eleven (holds power with both roles)
  • Binary opposite to Pernille
  • Work oriented
  • Takes charge
  • Unique thoughts - sound motif
Jan Meyer:
  • Immature - basketball
  • Selfish - always consuming something 
  • Follows others

 Troels Hartman:

  • Widower (start) - Murderer (end)
  • Masculine/dominancy
  • 'player'
  • Politician - secrecy
Rie Skovgaard:
  • Sleeps around at work
  • Plunging tops - showing herself
  • Sexualised
  • Used/objectified
Pernille Birk Larsen:
  • Female role
  • Stay at home mother
  • Submissive to Theis
  • Binary opposite to Sarah
  • Weak
  • Present parent - but didn't notice her daughter missing?
Theis Birk Larsen:
  • Masculine/butch
  • Stereotypical working husband
  • Power/authority - shop keeper
  • Absent father
Nanna Birk Larsen: 
  • Innocent - white dress
  • Only seen at night - in danger and can't see the full picture
Oliver Schandorff:
  • Rebellious
  • Steve Harrington type
  • Dyed hair, drugs, sex - disrespectful 
  • Little boy inside
  • Immature
  • Racist
  • Cared for by Theis
  • Murderer
(Mayor) Poul Bremer:
  • Secrecy


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