Audience Theorists
Stuart Hall - Reception Theory
- Media products have specific ideologies and meanings that are hoped to decoded
- Preferred readings: completely understanding
- Oppositional reading: do not take messages (don't agree)
- Negotiated: they see some message, accepting some but reject others
Clay Shirky - End of Audience Theory
- Passive audiences no longer exist - we're more active, sharing, commenting etc.
- technology has developed, changing expectations
- More online access and versions
- Audiences 'speak back' to producers - less of a hierarchy in production
Henry Jenkins - Fandom Theory
- Audiences are vital in media
- distribute the content (for free)
- Textual poaching: fans remaking content with own interpretations and purposes (prosumers)
- social media, youtube etc.
Albert Bandura - Social Learning Theory
- Experimented with children, focusing on replicating behaviour.
- what you watch, you learn and copy
- Equivalent to copying traits and behaviours seen in media
- political views
George Gerbner - Cultivation Theory
- Media repeats representation of people
- slowly believe and see it as normal and believe what you're told
- Will change our ideas of dominant/mainstream beliefs and media.
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