Big Issue Cover

I decided to use the 'Seaspiracy' documentary as the main story for this cover. The documentary focuses on the damage fishing does to the environment which is something an activist magazine, like the big issue, would support. I wanted to show features of the program with the emphasis on fishing nets and plastic straws. As it is explained, fishing nets contribute to the pollution more than straws, but the public isn't informed of this - hence the angle of the image showing the 'tip of the iceberg' being straws. 
Additionally, I also took intertextuality inspiration from Jaws with the red text and font, majority blue background and point of the iceberg (like the shark). 

I wanted the reader to feel guilty for their lack of action in helping the environment. However, they arealso misinformed with the information given t them. By being told to use metal straws, recyclable toothbrushes etc - they don't actually know the main issue which is fishing. 

The Jaws reference could resonate with the older audience as it was released in 1975. They were the generation who worsened the effect of pollution in the ocean and ultimately the ones leaving it to the younger generations to fix it. It plays with the intertextuality as only some will understand it.


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