Music Videos - Burn the Witch


  • calling out the seemingly 'perfect' society - all fake with government secrecy (gallows/seesaw) - government alters what we are shown and what we receive
  • dangers of mob mentality (skull/ending/meeting)
  • fear of the unknown - so impose structure (meeting)
  • people with voices are punished (farming/skull)
  • society itself is cult-like (skull)
  • push to conform to the 'norm' (lighting fire)
Seesaw/gallows - glamorises and 'perfect' when it's actually quite sinister
Deer skull and swords - cult-like, not seen as unusual in that society, but from an outsiders perspective
Little town - gives new perspective/POV - realising what our society has become when stepping back and looking at it in it's entirity
Lighting fire - pressure to conform - she was threatened and then gives in
New person in town - how immigrants are treated?

Narrative: Gallows scene
- As the inspection of the town unfolds, we see a medium shot of the two men and two women around the ladies' work. We can see flowers, bright colours and ultimately proud faces. However, the decorated column just reaches out of frame so that we are restricted from seeing everything. The mayor stands facing the inspector as if he's blocking him, forcing him to look at the 'good'. This could suggest a need to focus on the good that is presented to us in the media, government reports etc. However, the following high angle shot, reveals the decorated gallows. The inspector is visibly shocked while the others are pleased. This could support the idea of the media/government/those in power shaping what we see and receive, ultimately leaving the most sinister parts out of frame and out of reach. It could also suggest a kind of glamorised idea of death that is now being increasingly accepted by the younger generation (the young girl) as they make 'dark' jokes. Along with brushing over mental illnesses and suicides.

Star Image:
  • socially conscious
  • rebellious
  • alternative
  • stand up for the 'other'
  • obscure


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