Newspapers Q1 - The Guardian/Daily Express

Task 1:
What genres do they both belong to?
G - Broadsheet, DE - Midmarket
Key opinions and ideas:
G - LW, modern views, valuing welbeing
DE - RW, aged views
G - ABC1, middle class, 18+
DE - ABC1, 35+

Task 2: 
How is migration represented? (+ or -? stereotypical? audiences response? support or appose?
The Guardian:
(+) Story of council resistance but also the actions being taken (camp)
- stereotypical because the government is know to dislike migrants
- audience will support migration as they have the same LW views
- leader is liberal (influences)

Daily Express:
(-) Headline based on migrants being the enemy as if its a war
- stereotypical because there is more talk of migrants being bad than good for the country (conservative dominant nation)
- audience will oppose migrants as they have the same RW views
- owned by as right wing organisation, editor is actually labour

Task 3:
Which papers cover does Gilroy's theory link to?
Daily Express
- No photo (doesn't want to be associated)
- Headline sounds like a call to war
- Exterior stories based on anti-green energy, loving the monarchy and of course the only person photographed is a young white woman

Which papers cover doesn't support Gilroy's theory?
- Photo of migrant from Calais (showing expression)
- Acknowledges pressure on the council
- States who the real enemy is (authorities)

Task 4: Question Outline
- midmarket/broadsheet
- ABC1 for both but G=18+, DE=35+
- owned by Scotts Trust and Express Newspapers
Points: A
- headline - strongly against
- no photo
- further RW ideas - no to wind farms and support of the monarchy
- audience, ownership and political values - all RW, want to please those alike (those who don't support migrants)
- links to Gilroy's
Points: B
- photo
- shows work to be done
- ownership, audience, political values - LW, please those with the same values (supporters of migrants)
- challenges Gilroy's theory
G - doesn't support Gilroy's theory - LW view
DE - supports Gilroy's theory - RW view (praising the WW2 era Britain


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